The smoooth & safe way to get what you want today, and pay in 4 instalments over 6 weeks.
6 weeks
from $0 - $24
Get 1 point for every $1 you spend
No late fees for purchases under $25. A tiered structure applies above $25 to promote prompt payment and wise spending. Maximum fee: $24.
Make sure you meet the following criteria:
You must be 18 years old and capable of entering into a legally binding contract.
Buy now, pay in four instalments over 6 weeks, and never pay interest.
6 weeks
Up to $68
Widely accepted online and in-store
Spend limits start at around $600
Rewards at your fingertips when you join Pulse Rewards
Late fee for orders under $40 is 25% of the initial value. Orders $40 or more have a $10 initial fee plus up to $7 extra if overdue by 7 days. The maximum late fee is $68.
Make sure you meet the following criteria:
Invite a friend, get $20 off on your next purchase.
Live in New Zealand
Are at least 18 years old
Are capable of entering into a legally binding contract
Have a valid and verifiable email address and mobile number
Use a New Zealand credit or debit card to make the purchase
Buy now and pay over 6 weekly interest-free instalments with Laybuy at thousands of merchants across the globe.
5 weeks
From $10 - $40
Default late fee is $10, max $40 if you fail to pay for another 7 days
Only pay the price of your purchase, when you pay your instalments on time
The first payment equal to one sixth of the purchase price occurs once your order is completed. The remaining 5 payments are processed each week.
Make sure you meet the following criteria:
Must be a New Zealand resident
Are at least 18 years old
Before you can use Laybuy you need to provide us with your full name, residential address, email address and your mobile number for the credit check/verification.
We will also need your Visa Debit or Credit Card details so that we can deduct the amounts in connection with your purchase.
Genopay is no longer accepting customer
9 weeks
Get the products and services you need today, pay for them over 10 weekly installments.
Pay 10% upfront and the rest in 9 weekly automatic payments. That’s more leeway to pay than other payment plans
Pay each instalment on time and it won’t cost a cent more than the purchase price
Shop at your favourite participating store or online (between $20 to $1,000 subject to approved account limit)
Make sure you meet the following criteria:
You will need to be at least 18 years of age
Hold a valid New Zealand drivers license or New Zealand passport
Have a debit or credit card