
No1 Currency, a foreign exchange business owned by FEXCO Pacific, has been successfully serving the Pacific region for over a decade. Their primary services include currency exchange, business payments, and international money transfers facilitated through Western Union.

With a presence in 9 Pacific countries spanning across 65 locations, No1 Currency has established itself as a prominent player in the region. Employing over 250 staff members, they contribute significantly to the local economy. In New Zealand, No1 Currency operates 17 stores across Auckland, Wellington, Hamilton, Tauranga, Rotorua, and Dunedin, ensuring convenient access for customers. Offering competitive exchange rates without any commission or fees, No1 Currency enables customers to make the most of their currency transactions. With a broad selection of over 50 currencies available for buying and selling, No1 Currency is well-equipped to assist customers with their currency needs regardless of their destination.

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Online Same day, Regular payments Go to site